Rabu, 13 Juni 2007

Thank you all for stopping by. I'll catch up with you shortly.
Right now we are taking a week to try to get the gardening in order.
That would be easier if I didn't keep expanding the flower beds.

This is one of the areas where we've been. One side of the walkway is all done and growing for a couple of weeks, this side we started on this week. Great progress, lots of showers and scrubbing. How can one little woman get so dirty?!! Oh yes, it's the tomboy still buried not so deeply in there. But the sweet husband is by far doing the bulk of the work.
After removing the grass, putting in the new stones, and before planting. It looks smaller here. The size is really about 18 feet deep by 22 feet wide.
Hope you week is going great, I'll be by to catch you with you soon!

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