Jumat, 20 Juli 2007

Linda was busy painting some old hand-me-down furniture, antiqued white. In the 1970's there was so much "used" furniture everywhere, it cost next to nothing. This time for Linda it was nothing. Her mother-in-law lived in an incredible old, and huge to me, wood house overlooking the river an hour or so away. Funny how back then it seemed a long way. The MIL had given her another near worthless piece of furniture and Linda was transforming it into something much nicer. There was quite a bit of antiqued white furniture back then, and it didn't appeal to me. It was old, it was painted white, and it meant you didn't have the money to go buy something good and new. Hey I was a kid!

Linda (my first "older" friend, she was 28! ) became one of the most important people I would ever know. She was an artist, and she shared her paints and supplies with me. Years later we would decide to go back to school at the same time, not knowing the other was doing so as well. I was going to college for the first time and she was returning for her B.A. It was the beginning being an artist & designer for me and she was a part of the first real step.

Years later, I fell in love with white painted furniture and almost everything got some shade of white. I have many old pieces which have been painted blue, green, black, white, that if you sand a leg you would find all those colors. Then a few years ago I tired of all the white and craved some real wood. That's when the kitchen cupboards were redone. Some of the white furniture got painted a fresh coat of black.

Of course a short time later, I started wanting more white, or creamy white with an aged look.
At Renninger's, there is great booth with aged white furniture. The lady started out with one booth. She used to do all her own stripping and painting. She has a good eye and sense of what sells, so now she takes up quite a bit more room. I always enjoy seeing what she has. But I get overdosed with all white.
Funny I think she is getting a bit like that, too as is Rachel Ashwell who uses beautiful strong dark wood pieces more as of the last time I read something by her. And this is the perfect mix for me. I love the play of color and mood between dark or painted pieces with the whites.
As you can see she has expanded to somewhere between 4 and 6 spaces. This is really not a bargain hunting booth, but certainly a fun treasure hunting one. We had too much to do to make it to Vero Beach to shop, but went thrifting a little ways from home. I found some larger pieces that I wished I had room for, but didn't buy anything. I hope they are there when I get to that next room I'm planning!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures, and that you all have a great weekend.

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