Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

The Decorated House ~ Is Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Worth the Price?

As you check out blogs and see some fabulous makeovers using chalk paint you could be thinking that you might give this ol' chalk paint stuff a whirl. Then you see the price, especially if you have to pay shipping! It's expensive enough if you can find a local source, but by the time you add shipping it is really expensive. I've been using it for a few years now, and my thoughts on it haven't changed.

** Please note if you are not familiar with these paints, it is NOT "chalkboard" paint that you buy at the craft store. Although they now sell a folkart version of chalk paint which you might like to try if you use a 40% off coupon. But it is not the same "recipe" for chalk paint as the ASCP.

The Decorated House - Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, Worth the Price?Here are answers to some of your questions you have asked me:


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