My friend Kim, Ms. Daisy Cottage herself, is one of the sweetest persons I know. Of course most of you know her and love her styling ways as well. Usually I complain to Ms. Kim that I can't believe the things she finds while out thrifting. But she sweetly tells me to just keep on looking.

Last Saturday, Sweet Hubby asked if I wanted to go on a short road trip treasure hunting. I chose to go to Sanford instead of Mt. Dora. We went a few months back and had a good time and one or two of the stores were worth a second look. This time we also found the best little restaurant. And food is high on my list of things to enjoy!
Many years ago when I was a kid, we used to go over to Sanford to visit their zoo. It's been a very long time. The zoo has moved and the town has changed, but a lot of it is the same or better. was 2 blocks away from the restored downtown area. Lower rent area.
And two blocks down the street was a consignment store. We missed it last time because you have to know it's there to find it! this is better!
There were no shelves, things were still stuffed in boxes. Somethings had no prices, and there was a ton of junk. Just plain modern junk.
Aaah, but in between, there were treasures. Here are some of the goodies I found in all the stores. I've wanted a large carved rosary for years. This one is not wood, but it is beautiful, vintage, but I can't find any on line to match it for information.

Look at the Madiera handkerchiefs....they were in the original boxes with the paper lace doilies. They were wedding gifts long ago. The handkerchiefs are so pretty, but it was the paper lace they were wrapped in that I loved as well. The one under the "D" in the first picture is Austrian, not Mediera. The work on it is lovely.
The three better pins below, came from an older French lady who was selling some of her jewelry. They were still in a bag and I got first pick! The D rhinestone is old, but cheap. Perfect. I don't wear crown pins but collect them for using in my art.

I bought 2 bags of things, and then went down to the spendy area and found a few more bags of goodies. Right now I have no idea what I got. However, I found a few of the items to show you pictures.
Have a great day. Thanks for stopping by!
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