Senin, 25 Juni 2007

(** Edit Elaine, to find someone to do just painting to make something look like wood, you would want a good faux painter. But you can change a kitchen drastically with new doors. A cabinet maker is your best bet for a great custom look with the use of real wood!)

It looks like rain! Oh that makes me happy. The water bill is going to be a shocker this month watering so much to keep the plants alive.

(Full size, clicking on picture takes you to Etsy.)
My newest collage. Of course she is a Fairy. I'll enjoy working with the little creatures for a long time. It's been so many years anyway, they seem normal to me.

Did I answer your question?????

Please know that if you ask a question, and I don't answer, it's just because I get running around and forget.

The front door was repainted to look like wood but layering brown wood colors and some yellow ochre. It was done quite a while back, but I remember using brushes and rags both. Then it was waxed with paste wax. The kitchen ones were done by using mostly the same colors, but flogging them with a flogging brush. Basically slapping semi-wet glazes.

The ancient Tuscan looking urn in the kitchen side courtyard is really from Mexico. It's big and really old looking. It's a favorite thing.

The old peeling cross has no holes except to hang it in the back. It is a cross for the Sacrament of the Sick. It still has all the stuff inside that the priest would use. It's a bit old looking though!

Hope you all have wonderful day!

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